2 min read
Introduction Post

 I’m starting this blog to share views and thoughts about software development focusing on the frontend.

 This blog was created using Astro and I used this astro theme .I have made multiple adjustments to it, but I chose it for the minimalist look it provides and I want to focus on the content rather than creating unnecessary complex UI for a content-driven site, but I kept the animations on page load since it looks neat. Ofcourse anything can change, nothing is permenant.

Why Astro?

 Astro markets itself as the “The web framework for content-driven websites” , and this site is content-driven.Using content collections and common page layouts with Markdown provides great Developer Experience which can help deliver content faster to the audience. On the technical side, Astro is fast. You can know more here.

  I may write about anything concering the frontend and would love to hear feedback from anyone. The developer world is filled with different opinions, and we can learn from them all.